Thursday, August 14, 2008

Valencia CC -- Nicaragua Education Slideshow

More photos to be added.

Leaving Nicaragua

We´re waking up today in Granada at the end of our two weeks, and ready for a final day of a tour of Granada, some shopping, and goodbyes. We finished a great day yesterday departing from the Island Ometepe, which carried mixed feelings, but was highlighted by stopping at San Juan del Sur, with great views of the Pacific, and Masaya National Park, where a cave swarmed with bats and our guide told us everything we could want to know about the active crater there, and on the whole, we´ve had good closure and spirits.
We threw ourselves into being here with several results: conversational Spanish and a load of new vocabulary, new friendships and many more than we expected, experience teaching English, some fitter muscles, a nearly-completed sink for the secondary school, new faucets, fresh blue paint, and better drainage for existing sinks there, a new door for their pit toilets there, a cleaner soccer court at the Hacienda Merida, and all the work knowledge and knowledge of the school and its students that came with that project. Despite a few tough bouts of sickness that was hard to shake off, we´ve come out with better abilities to care and look out for one another. Everyone involved themselves on the trip, in the work projects and teaching, and in our conversations and pow wows, and from this involvement, we´ve all learned. Thanks to the group for this effort. Cuidase,
Jack and Maielle
Hey everyone,
we are heading out to the market and then getting on the airplane! I can´t believe our journey is nearly ended. We are so excited to come home, but it is very sad to leave all the new friends we have made. We just finished saying goodbye to some of the kids and it was very emotional for everyone. (yes, I did cry and sarah held back very well) We will always remember ometepe´s love and the special gifts they have given to all of us. We love you all, and can´t wait to share our experiences with you!
Thank you for all the support you have given us through the blog. We all needed it at some point through the trip.
Well, it is off to the market and the airport!
Hasta luego!

Last Day in Nicaragua

Today is the last day of a journey that forever changed 7 adults from Florida. We will always remember the new friends we made and the challlenges we over came.

We thank everyone for thier prayers and their well wishes.

Love to All


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

quick update

we´re at the oasis in granada, we made it here with no problems. it was mostly a travel day with a break at 5 when we went to see the volcano and bat caves. we´ll update more later but we´re all going to crash tonight, we have a really early day tomorrow. miss you and love you all.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I am so glad to hear you are doing better. I bet just seeing your family made it nearly go away. It has been great building a friendship with you on this trip. I am sorry you had to go early, but you know I would have been in the suitcase if possible....... We are going to start our journey home tomorrow morning. I will be the first one waiting on the van ride off the 'tepe"! Unfortunately the tepe did not end with you. Katie had Juan carlos and I think his brother may be stopping in for a visit too. Everyone is doing well but we definately miss your presence. And........ we found the key, in the bottom of my suitcase. Just want to say...... sorry...... hehe! I want to thank you for the thought of the tona, oh I mean the Fanta...... gosh they sound so much alike.... You missed all the mosquitoes attacking our group, but for some reason I don't think you mind. I am going to bring a special surprise home for you and Katie got you a surprise too. (And no I won't let her drop off Juan Carlos....) We can celibrate our survival when I make it back. I will call you as soon as I get off the "O to the Ome---- T to the tepe"! Thank you for your positive words as well. You have been the backbone for our group, and I will always remember that!! Katie just chimed in a "only seventy two hours...... kind of like sitting through Joe's class"
Love you girl!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hey! We made it through another day. We are comming really close to completing the project.
Katie became friends with Juan Carlos today..... finally.......
Hasta Manana!!!!!!
will write more later when we are not driven tired..........

Hola Homies!!

Hey Everyone,
Well, I made it to Puerto Rico safe and sound.  It's nice to be with my family however,  my thoughts are still with all of you.  I hope everyone is well.  I know how hard you guys have been working and how important the job you are doing stay motivated!  You'll all be home before you know it, so soak it all in.  As for me, I'm still not 100%, but I will be soon.  Thank you all for your love and support.  You all have a special place in my heart.  I feel like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.  I traveled to a foreign land and made the best friends a girl could ever ask for.  Joe (our fearless leader), thanks for your guidance and for taking me back to Managua, I could not have done it alone.  Erica, I hope you got the Skittles...I told Joe those were a must.  Thank you for wiping my tears, among our things...ha, ha.  I enjoyed all our little talks and can't wait to meet Jason and Emily.  They're lucky to have a girl like you.  Matt, what can I say?  Dude, you crack me up.  You were my battle buddy on the mountain and I couldn't have done it without you.  Oh and I will always remember our little brush with International know what I'm talking about.  Q, you were like my little Teddy Bear.  Just thinking of you makes me smile.  You're going to do great things...I feel it.  Oh and Katie, let me start by saying "your mom".  What am I going to do without your comic relief?  You're awesome and before you can utter the words "your mom's awesome"...I'll just reply with "thank you".  Sarah, you're a rock man!  Girl, you left us in the dust!  You take every challenge with ease.  You're a natural athlete...dude, that bicep was sick.  Keep everyone moving, okay?  And last but not least, Jonathan.  As a parent, I can imagine how proud your parents are of you.  You're a great kid...a little gassy, but great none the less.  Well, you're all probably sick and tired of my babbling, so I'll end by saying "POP OFF" and build that sink.  I love you all...really.
Dee a.k.a. Dirty Girl
PS- Fausto just told me Erica got accepted to UF...if I was there I'd buy you a Tona, I mean a Fanta...ha,ha.  Call me when you get home.
Hey family! I have some really great news I just couldn't hold out on. I got accepted to UCF
and the day I get back I can get signed up! One year left!!!!!!!!!!

To mi famila y amigos

Thank you so much for your words of encourgement. They really do mean alot to me. The things here are getting better. The words and prayers you have been sending me really do help.. The thing that is keeping me grounded is the 1 min video clip I have of Julie crawling through the tube. When I am having a rough day or not feeling good, I think of her and her cute smiling face.. Boy do I miss the united States...

We only have a few more days on the island... I think we are all ready to go..

i love you all and please continue to pray for me and my friends.

I love you all..


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Your welcome. Sorry it took me so long to get back on here. I went with dee to the doctor and then we worked a full day and got tired. I know you were woried, so I made sure to give you the full details...... I love you and miss you lots..... Can't wait to share pics with you!

Health status

To my mother and all the families,
I know you are all probablly wondering about now what exactly is going here in Ometepe. Well........ let me start by saying that everyone is just fine now. One of our group members, Dee got really sick about four days ago. We went to the school to clean up and even though we were all taking percautions and wearing gloves we believe that Dee picked up a paracite from the ground. (Chickens, dogs, pigs, and other animals walk around and leave droppings ANYWHERE on the ground here.) She spent about 15 hours straight vomitting and diareaha. The leaders for the trip tried to do their part, however they did not get her to the doctor fast enough for her dehydration. In turn, they spent an extra day trying to get her to hydrate herself, but she could not hold anything down, including ice cubes. Finally, the day before yesterday we got her an IV which brought her back to life. She went through a long time of suffering but she recieved medicine and is back to herself, (for the most part). She is leaving today to go back home. She tried her best to stick it out, but it is very difficult to completely recover without the comfort of your own home. This really broke her down and made her vulnerable. If it were me, I would be doing the same thing. She is not strong enough to do the rest of the activities we have planned, and simply the smells around are not in agreement with her.
As far as the rest of our group........ Katie is still battling a head cold and cough with some stomach discomfort, Qadeer is better but he did get a case of a weak stomach, Johnathen has went through two spells of diareha but is doing fine now, Matt has went through the head cold and some stomach discomfort but is doing well at the moment also. Our teacher Joe went through an overnight severe diareah, however he was able to hold liquids and get through it. Sarah has experienced the head cold and some minor stomach discomforts. Mom, as for me, I think I am doing the best out of the group. I began the trip constipated pretty bad, but I am normal now. I have had the head cold, but am really doing fine right now. I think for me mostly I just want to come home. As for the group as a whole, we all were very fatigued the entire trip and we believe it is because the first night we did not get the sleep our bodies needed. Therefore, we spent the rest of the trip trying to regain our strength as we were doing a very intensive hike and working on our project and last but not least overworking our brains with spanish. I brought airborne and it has saved my health and saved the group as they need it. (Thanks grandma for always harping on the airborne! I bring it with me everywhere now!)
Overall, our group is pretty ready to come home, but we want to finish what we came here for. We are on schedule with our sink project and the kids are very excited to have a sanitary sink. Everyone is doing what they can at the speed they can do it. It is very important to nurse our health so we can all come home healthy. Please don't worry......... Fausto posted all this info because he was informed through email that Dee was having a hard time. He didn't know the details exactly so he was helping us to take percautions. Our support system was amazing with our group and I would not have traded a single person in our group for anything. Thanks to our group for being so understanding for eachother!!! Despite all this, we have really made close ties and built friendships among eachother. We have all learned a lot from this trip and really do cherish the opportunity! I don't want any of you to get scared. I just want to put it out there what we are experiencing. These are all things that can happen when you travel to a new place. Please ask any questions you have, and I will be happy to reply!!!!
Sending all of our love!!!! I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Hey babe! I've been all night trying to book this flight. You should get a confirmation e-mail. I called the booking agency and it should be confirmed within an hour. and it should be e-ticket. Travel as light as you can, and make and e-mail me a list of stuff you may need from home so I can bring it with me. I also booked a flight from PR to orlando, it should be the same as ours. For some reason I haven't gotten confirmation on that yet, or I'm just crazy. That is the least of my worries right now. The shit was expensive, but the most practical considering your delicate condition, screw it! I will curb-side pick your burning little knot in PR at 845pm on Aug 11. Give me a little time check on those meds. Don't forget your passport. Can't wait to see you . By the way, who the @#$% is Horacio. Get your ass to the airport and relax overnight nearby. Pay a guide to go with you if you have to. Come home! Valencia crew, I'm sure you will accomplish the mission, even though she is a casualty of war, we will continue to keep an eye on you guys and do whatever we can if you need assistance. Thanks for looking after Dee. Watch out while digging in the dirt, that is one of the places certain parasites live. Check the CDC site foe more info. Say hi and goodbye to the kids for me, they are so cute, and am sure grateful for what you have all accomplished so far.

Well, adios amigos Fausto

Friday, August 8, 2008

How are you?

Listen guys, thanks for keeping me posted. I'm sure that this organization have these resources in hand but it doesn't hurt to be educate yourselves. I went over all the risks of traveling abroad with Dee a long time ago. Check this link out, The CDC rules, and is one of the reasons we have eradicated many disease which still prevail in many countries. Bottom line, if anybody develops a fever, don't take it for granted. The key to survival is quick action. If worse comes to worse, contact the american embassy. Info for medical support at or after hours, for emergency assistance call (505) 252-7100 and request to speak with the Embassy Duty Officer. Please keep me posted. Protect yourself from mosquitoes and insects. I don't mean to freak you all out, but it doesn't hurt to be informed. Lets stay communicated. On it! Fausto

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hang in there!

Hey guys, is Fausto,

Thanks for the pics they are great, keep them coming.  I'm sorry to hear some of you caught a bug that your body did not welcome.  Unfortunately immune systems are not equipped with the fire-power necessary to fight these ailments.  So just remember to watch what you eat or drink. Avoid water (and ice) that has not been purified, if you eat a fruit, it doesn't hurt to wipe it off with some bleach.  Don't eat anything cold that contains mayo or such, specially after it has been sitting for a while, that goes for any food.  Anything that sits out longer than 30 will grow bacteria, and even if it gets refrigerated afterwards, the cold wont kill the bacteria, it will just keep it from multiplying.  Do not eat any meat or seafood, unless it has been thoroughly cooked and properly handled.  As far as parasites, Dee!,  send me the kind of parasite name and let me see if there is anything I can research and/or purchase to help.  I definitely have the resources to do so.  I could also investigate home remedies that may be effective.  Always wear shoes, even at the beach, there are certain parasites that enter your body through your feet, especially in Central America.  Just know that I'm here to do whatever is in my power, and know that you guys are young and strong, and can beat this.  I hope this doesn't put too much of a damper on your trip and your mission.  You will make it!  Just let me know how I can help.  Babe, hang in there, you are strong, Tito is fine and I talked to grandma yesterday, he is having a blast and behaving like an angel.  I already told him how much you miss him.  I just finished finals and taking care of loose ends in order to get ready for clinicals. I miss him too and can't wait to pick him up at the airport.  I gave all your family the blog info so they are up to date.  Just keep your head up, and if things get rough I will not hesitate to get in a plane and be there in a jiffy. Love you and will keep in touch. Hope you all feel better soon.

darwing and I at the hacienda

Yes, this really is Joe working on the wall
for the sink.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 7 in Heaven

Hola a todos

Today we were busy working with the project at the school some more. We definitely made visual strides on the sink. The hole for the pipes was finished and we have two layers done on the sink so far. It was nice seeing the children wanting to help us with the manual labor, which you won't find in the states. Communicating with the children in spanish seems to have gotten better day by day. The children here are wonderful they show up to class early eager to learn whereas in the states students sometimes blow off a class even after paying to take it. I guess that's just one of the many different cultural differences here.

After, working at the school in the morning Joe, Jonathan, Jack, and I went on a sail to Charto Verde. The scenery out there was quite beautiful. We all jumped off the boat in to the water and swimmed for a little untill we decided to go fishing. On our journey back to Ometepe Island we got a chance to watch the sunset go down and the moon come up.

To cap off the beautiful day in Nicaragua Erica, Sarah, and I had a great conversation while staring at the stars. Between the three of us we will probably never know the difference between The Big Dipper and Orion. -Qadeer


To all of my Disney Friends who are reading about my adventure..... believe it or not i miss you all.... and Chris I am writing these emails all on my own...

Also to anyone who knows me.... when walking on rocks that are sticking out of the ground be careful of your step....

I fell not once, but twice.... for those who are walking on pavement... please enjoy it for the rest of us PLEASE....


we miss you all!

I just wanted to personally send out a blog to say thank you for your words of support! Dee has definately talked about her fausto's! It is such a WOW experience! I am enjoying the time I have here, and at the same time learning how to appreciate moments with those I love. (not like I didn't before, but the lessons you learn here make you expand your appreciation.) Hope all is well for everyone back home, and we will see you very soon!!!!!!!


Keep it up team!

Hey guys, I know I'm probably not supposed to be posting on this blog.  But, I don't care, cause' what I really care about is, for all of you to know that, wow, good for you, and all involved.  You guys are getting a lesson that no-one can teach, and few learn.  keep up the good work and know that it doesn't matter who knows what you are doing/experiencing, but you;  for you are the leaders of tomorrow.  I wish I was there to help.  Dee!  There is no VIP without you!  I love you with all my liver.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pictures!! Day 4-5

Day 4 - First Day of Sink Project

haha...action shot.

Maielle & Matt digging

Sunset on the Dock

me and katie

joe (videotaping something) and me

me and matt

me and qadeer

me and katie's stupid finger bein goobers

katie's face

Day Five - Sink Project && the kids

the kids

alvero and the baby

joe chillin

some of the elementary school kids we ran into on the way back from the sink project

Pictures!! Day 1-3

Here's some of my favorite pics from the trip (the ones we could upload anyways...they'll be more later.)

Day 1 - Travel

joe and i in the airport
erica, me, and matt on the plane
the view of managua as we flew in

Day 2 - Granada

joe, me, and qadeer (oh and jonathan in the background)

everyone covering their ears in the belltower

me && dee before we left granada

the crew in the van on the way to the hacienda

the boatride to ometepe island

Day 3 - The Hike

jonathan, dee and i after breakfast the day of the hike

me and matt, halfway there!

dee, erica, qadeer, me, and matt

me && erin after the hike

I'm going to be who I am, but a better me............

Hola nos familias!
Today was day two of our work project. We cleaned the sinks at the secondary school, and continued with digging our hole for the new sink. There are so many kids that want to help us on site everyday. They have been divided into groups and we will be getting a new group each day to help us with our service projects. It is so amazing to all of us how excited and eager they are to work and learn from us! I know they are feeling the same excitement comming from us as well. Everyone has really been enjoying the presence of the children as well as the adults of the culture. Before dinner we assisted in the bilingual class held at the hacienda. (Which is optional for the children.) We started teaching prepositions to the kids, and ended class with a memory card game. (more details later) We also played a ball game which was super fun!! (will have video later!) we just finished with a reflexive "pow wow". It is very special for me to see our group uniting and really bringing our experiences together. We have all had our teachable moments to ourselves and others within and outside the group and I know it will continue to flourish. We had the chance tonight to really share our emotional experiences so far. Dee shared with us and from that we now have a quote which is unique to our group. "When I get home I am going to be who I am, but a better me." We are starting to really feel our apreciation for the diversity of the spanish language and how languages can unite the world! I am really seeing each of us open up in our own ways. It touches my heart to know that we are making friends that will last a lifetime, and cherishing the moments we have as they come. I know that all of our families will be getting a changed individual back. It will be in a way that is wiser and bigger than the individual who left. Just wait!!!! ;) We love you and miss you all! Thank you for all your support! Keep posting comments, we love to read them!! -Erica

Pictures and the Slide Show

Hello All-

We are trying to Upload pictures of us to the main blog. With the internet connection coming and going its kinda of hard. So please standy by and we will get the photos up as soon as we can..

Please enjoy the few pictures we did put up.....

love katie

Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 4

the amazing sunsets, from the Hotel Docks.... This beats key west hands DOWN....
Here are some pictures that we have taken. Dee and Erica on the Boat to Ometempe Island.

The View of volcano, Conception.....

Sara and Dee being tourist in Granda......

Today was the first day that we started our service project. We did everything mostly by hand. To me this is something we totally take advantage of in the United States. I feel this team has worked and well is working well together as a team. When it came time to load the Oxen Wagon we made an assembly line and we jelled well together. During the first trip we walked to the secondary school. We helped to unload the cinder blocks, we then took a group back and started to get the sand ready to help make the cement. We split into teams which was amazing. All of our dynamics are showing and our true leadership qualities are coming out. During our down time we did hang around the bi-lingual students. That was fun. The other part of the team was at the school bulding the hole for the sink. We are currently on a break and I think mostly done for the day. We are usually going to work in the morning because the summer heat is crazy. I will finish with the day a little later. stay Tuned.

From the Group:

We love everyone and for everyone who is still praying for us and thinking about us. We Thank You.. Hopefully we will all get over our sickness....


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 4: Kayaking & Colds

This morning the crew was a little slow waking up...Katie, Qadeer, Matt & I all woke up sick. Erin wasn't feeling too good by the end of the night either. We all managed to pull through the day though and God-willing everyone will be healthy by morning.

Kayaking was the main event of the day and it was awesome. We went out to Monkey Island and saw 2 spider monkeys and a few white faced monkeys at the second island. It was awesome, even though I thought one of the monkeys was going to jump on Erica at one point. I think the only damage done was Jack's sunburnt feet (put some aloe on that jack ;)) The view from the lake was gorgeous with the volcanos in the background. I would post some pictures but Katie seems to have accidentally locked her sick, sleeping self in the room along with the key and cameras :p so maybe tomorrow we'll be able to get some pictures up for you guys. Oh that reminds me, one of the volcanos has been...exploding? bubbling. something like that, its making loud rumbling noises and spitting out ash and such. Kind of scary considering if it explodes and lava goes everywhere.... but i'm sure that won't happen, the natives have assured us.

We had some down time this afternoon to recover since most of us are sick. Dee and I ended up swimming off the dock while Qadeer and Erica studied Spanish on the dock. There were 4 Nicaraguan boys fishing off the dock who joined us in swimming. Dee was teaching them 'trucos' like canonballs and pencils. It was so cool. They spoke no English so we were trying our best to speak to them in their language. Qadeer and Erica were always there with the dictionary when we didn't remember a word so our teamwork was perfecto ;)

Games and meetings tonight were fantastic, props to Erica for putting together the vocab game!! Tomorrow is our first day of the sink building project - we're all excited. We're also planning on doing a scavenger hunt and looking forward to our first day with the bilingual classes. If the rest of the kids are as awesome as the kids we met today were tomorrow should be a blast.

That's it for tonight, tune in to Qadeer tomorrow =]


ps to vic: Lavender ;)

Camping 101

If you love to camp this program is totally for you.... It is in a great climate, you get to see beautiful sunsets at nite. I totally am falling in love with this enviroment. The World Leadership school is Fantastic..... I think Disney should think about coming to this area.....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

computers are working fine

computers are working fine today...must have been just that one night. Anyway...having fun....the hike was a blast....looking forward to the kayaking tomorrow and working with the school on monday......we'll be talkin

Day Three

arrival in Managua
city of Granada
the watterfall
taking a break half way through!
Dee at the watterfall

Hola friends and family!!
Today was a very challenging, and exciting day. We started our day with breakfast, experiencing new fruits such as mango, papaya, pitaha, sandiamelon, plantanos, and more. We then began our long journey to the Maderis volcano. We walked the path traveled daily by the local's seeing wild dogs, horses, and cows. We passed through the environmental station as well. We hiked three hours to a beautiful waterfall, seeing wild monkeys and geiko's! We were truely submersed in the culture to the fullest! This trip was a growing experience for our entire group. We faced mental and physical challenges all allong the way. I am personally grateful I am with such an amaing and diverse group of individuals. We pulled together as a team to complete our mission for the day. We were all able to make it to the top to see mother nature's beauty, and appreciate the simplistic, yet complex jungle we are surrounded by. I know I can speak for everyone by saying it was exhausting and exhilirating. We are all settled in and aclimating to the surroundings. We also grouped together this evening to discuss our goals for the time we have here, both to teach the Nicaraguan childreen English, and learn from them as well. We hope you enjoy the pictures we are posting. We love you all, and "Hasta Manana"!


We all saw the waterfall thanks to Katie. =]

Day 3: Solo Espanol

Today was the day of a bet between me (Sarah) and Katie. The bet was that I couldn't speak only Spanish from 9am to 9pm.

I lost.

We went on a 6+ hour hike. I didn't last too long. What got me was when food was mentioned and I asked if we could buy snacks before I realized what had happened...guess Katie isn't the only one whose mouth gets her in trouble ;)
Even though it wasn't long, I was so frusterated because I couldn't say anything that I wanted to say because I had forgotten so much of what I'd learned. Although it was hard it gave me a glimpse of what most people here and in other third world countries must feel like when they come to America where they cannot speak the language and few people understand them. Its rough.

Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. Right now I'm on my way to a nice cold shower.
Oh and when I say cold, I mean this water literally takes your breath away. Its heaven after an almost 7 hour hike.

Oh, mom: I've bonded with a dog over here. I named her Coconut. =] haha. Just wanted to let you know so you can give dad a heads up, I'm bringing her home with me. :p

Vic: I love you and miss you tons <33

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to see you guys.


This is so much better than Disney

Realizing that Life is very different here in Nicaragua versus the everyday Hustle and Bustle of Orlando. It makes you really appreciate everything that we have and everything that we value each day. You know not flying first class, and not having the every day luxeries not even speaking the language makes you realize that and I am going to quote Hannah Montana, Life's what YOU make it, I think... But Living everyday on a whim is something cool and its something that i dont have in my everyday life. I am glad I dont have CDS running my life. Mom I miss you and I will make my eyes like a camera and take pictures. I will remember that If I break or bust anything I should'nt bother to come home.. HAHAH.
I love you Man!

Reservation # 244818

Friday, August 1, 2008

we are at ometepe

hello everyone and greetings from ometepe island. just to let my friends and family know, getting my email is difficult from here. the computers are very slow tonight. i don't know if it's like that all the time. anyway if i don't write you, that's why. otherwise we are doing just fine. i'll be in touch. joe m.

Buenas Noches

Well, today was another great day. We arrived in Ometepe and got set up at the hacienda. I love it. I feel like there is so much I want to say, however my brain is officially split in two...which is a good thing. Using my spanish has been a challenge, and has left me completely drained by the end of the night, however I feel confident that I'm definitely going to make a spanish break through. The crew is awesome....Homies for Life...I feel it. And of course I miss my "Fausto's". Te quiero mucho...mis amores

buenas noches

after the long ferry / truck ride we finally arrived to ometepe island from where we took another adventurous truck ride to our hotel. we saw all sorts of pigs, dogs, horses, bats , and birds on the side of the road and in the street. i had a long conversation today with a local who was a biologist who studied natural medicines fro plants and scuba dives. he ended up being our guide. we had beans and rice and yuca, soya, and some other stuff. excuse the capitalization errors and gramatical errors,the keyboard doesn't not work well. the computers are also very slow. tomorrow we we'll be hiking in the rainforest and some other stuff. blog later --jonathan p.s. love you mom dad and other people in family


Just got back from a day tour of Granada. We love this place. We are getting ready to go to Ometepe... currently waiting for the bus to pick us up take us to the dock. From there we will take the ferry and head to the island. Looking forward to all the activities they have planned for us. We´ll keep you posted.


We´re here and we are so excited. After a full day of traveling we arrived in Granada safely last night. We meet our guides and were treated to a wonderful dinner...italian...go figure! Today we are going to tour the city and then head out on the ferry to Ometepe.
We´ve all done some serious bonding already. I know we are going to have a great time. I´ll keep everyone posted.
Fausto, thanks for the beautiful email. I really almost busted out crying. I love you and miss you. Please tell Faustito how much I miss him. I love you all.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

we arrived safely

hello everyone. just to let you know we arrived safely. there was a little change in plans. we are staying the night in Granada because our plane got in a little late and there wasn´t enought time to make the ferry to Ometepe. So tomorrow morning we will see some of the sights around Granada and th en take the ferry to the island. Everyone is doing well..very tired, but well. We are all looking forward to the next two weeks. We´ll keep you posted.

Hey Valencia crew

This is Fausto, Dee's husband.  Just hoping you all made their with little complications.  I am very proud of all of you.  Know that I will be monitoring this blog frequently and am available for anything I can assist you guys from here.  Don't forget to have fun.  Babe! I miss you already and I'm sorry I missed your call from Ft. Lauderdale.  Keep me posted.  I'm sure you will have an impact on the community.  I love you!


Time to go to the airport

It's early but we have a plane to catch. Flight is at 10:10 and connecting in Fort Lauderdale at 11:15. Three hour lay over in Lauderdale and we leave for Managua at 2:22. Arrival time in Managua will be 2:57 p.m. (Remember, Nicaragua is 2 hours behind us). From there we take a bus to Rivas (about a 2-3 hours trip from what I understand). From Rivas we take the Ferry to Ometepe. We will update you when we arrive. Talk to you from Ometepe!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

1 day to ometepe island Nicaragua

We are all anxiously awaiting our departure for Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. We leave tomorrow (7/31) at 10:10 am and can't wait to meet the people there. We are looking forward to lending a hand to the school there and installing sinks in the bathrooms. The hiking, kayaking, volcanoes, waterfalls, and BBQ on the beach all sound like a lot fun. Check back and we will keep you up to date on what we are doing.