Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pictures!! Day 1-3

Here's some of my favorite pics from the trip (the ones we could upload anyways...they'll be more later.)

Day 1 - Travel

joe and i in the airport
erica, me, and matt on the plane
the view of managua as we flew in

Day 2 - Granada

joe, me, and qadeer (oh and jonathan in the background)

everyone covering their ears in the belltower

me && dee before we left granada

the crew in the van on the way to the hacienda

the boatride to ometepe island

Day 3 - The Hike

jonathan, dee and i after breakfast the day of the hike

me and matt, halfway there!

dee, erica, qadeer, me, and matt

me && erin after the hike


Anonymous said...

You guys all look so pooped - but happy! Good to see. :) When the itinerary said 'ferry to Ometepe Island" I was imagining a bigger boat....how fun was THAT boat ride? (I love the pose -- straight from the movie!!) Keep the photos coming .... it's a joy to see your face, Sarita!
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

these pics are so neat.
looks like your having an awesome time. i have so much to tell you! oo and dont lose that camara! ;] looks like your doing good so far. i love you sarah.

your sister,